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Oton Župančič Library

Operating hours

Mon08.0019.30 Tue10.0019.30 Wed08.0019.30 Thu08.0019.30 Fri08.0019.30 Sat08.0013.00
Internet access
Dostop za osebe na vozičku
WIFI access
UNICEF safe spot
Indukcijske slušne zanke
Cobiss catalogue


Kersnikova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana
01 308 55 00

Head librarian
Barbara Cesar


Bavarski dvor
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 27, 51, 56 (v smer Bežigrad),
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 19, 20, 25, 27, 51 (v smer Center),
1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 25 (Hotel Lev/Kolizej)
5, 13 (Dalmatinova)



Slovenska cesta 55c


Location of library: Oton Župančič Library

Oton Župančič Library is the largest of LCL’s libraries and is situated in the very centre of the city. It’s specific is the Župančič memorial and museum collection which contains the poet’s furniture and personal items and is the result of cooperation between with the City Museum. Memorial collection is accessible to all library visitors.

On the first floor of the library in the non-fiction section there is the Health Corner. In cooperation with the Central Medical Library we present good sources of information about health, pharmaceuticals and healthy lifestyle.

In the non-fiction section there is also a rich chess-related collection of material and it is intended for beginners and grandmasters alike. In the chess corner there are four chess sets at your disposal.

In the basement of the library you can visit the media collection, a department with an emphasis on the rich collection of non-book material. There are the media collection with materials on music, film, theatre, and dancing and comic-book collection with a rich selection of comic-books.

On the ground floor of the library there is The Employment Information Service, on the first floor you can find The Learning Exchange and the Centre for Autonomous Learning. They organize various educational and creative workshops.

We hold many events and have interesting guests. Literary evenings attract a lot of public attention and a large audience. Meetings are held in the form of discussions, readings, film projection and musical and acting performances.

In the Library there is the Used-Book Store at your disposal, where there is always a wide selection of reference, fiction, young adult and children books available.

Upcoming events

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