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A Drop Of Happiness

Selvedin Avdić
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Selvedin Avdić

A Drop Of Happiness

With the development of mining and metallurgy in Yougoslavia, Miran’s city became a center of heavy industry. In the post-transition period Miran cannot shake off the progress and optimism of the past. He doesn’t change, he remains reserved and lonely. In search of identity, the current society of an already urbanized working-class city erases its own tradition. He connects the culture of workers’ solidarity with the mistakes of the socialist regime. And yet the hero who returns to his city is not stopped by the post war period with all its paradoxes. In it he serches and finds a drop of joy. »Seven fears«, the first book of Selvedin Avdić, was included in the Guardian’s list of the best pocket books of 2014.

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