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Notranje Gorice Library

Operating hours

Mon18.0020.00 Tue/ Wed18.0020.00 Thu/ Fri/ Sat10.0012.00
Cobiss catalogue


Podpeška cesta 380, 1357 Notranje Gorice

Head librarian
Aleksandra Klokočovnik


6B (Notranje Gorice)


Location of library: Notranje Gorice Library

Notranje Gorice Library is located on the first floor of the House of the Local Residents in Notranje Gorice. There are more than 3.900 books waiting for their readers, young and old.

The library was established on 11th February 1951 as People’s Library and was part of Zadrugar Cultural and Arts Association. With the exception of a few short periods of inactivity it has been in operation since its establishment under the leadership of amateur librarians.

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