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Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement refers to the websites, and (later: websites). We are committed to providing accessibility of websites in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.  (The Official Gazette of RS, number 30/18). For enabling demands of accessibility some adaptations of our websites have been systemically provided for, such as:

  • responsive design (adaptation of screen resolution setting)
  • proper colour contrast (between text and the background)
  • predictable operating of websites
  • equipping the pictures with alternative text is enabled
  • adapting the colour scheme of the website is enabled
  • use of various levels of titles is enabled
  • navigation on the main menu is possible without a mouse by using arrow keys on the keyboard (adaptation for users who cannot use a mouse)
  • enlargement of fonts or the whole website is enabled
  • text descriptions are added to graphic elements

The websites among other follow these recommendations:

  • website contents are transparent, structured, and with a sensible sequence of chapters and texts
  • several ways of access are enabled (through menu, search and index of webpages)
  • location of the user is shown
  • from the texts on the links it is clear what the contents of these links are
  • websites have clear instructions for the entry of data
  • contrast between background and text is at least 4,5:1
  • elements on websites are accessible with keyboard; there are no keyboard traps on the webpages, it is clear where the pointer is located; there are no flashing contents on webpages.

Individual capabilities of choosing adaptation of accessibility on webpages may be enabled by clicking proper icons of the disabled persons menu that is shown in the upper right corner of the website. After triggering the menu for accessibility wait a moment until the proper adaptation for the disabled persons is loaded in entirety.

Level of accordance

The webpages are partly accordant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to exceptions listed below.

On websites a great number of documents are accessible and we try to keep them in accessible form. Accessibility of websites is constantly monitored and we improve individual elements of accessibility on the spot. Nevertheless, some published contents do not meet all the demands concerning accessibility as defined by the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.

Examples of such contents are:

  • Scanned documents in pdf form
  • Programme-generated contents (such as annual reports)
  • Various complex tables with information
  • Videos in Slovene are not subtitled and / or equipped with sign language
  • Some photos on websites are not equipped with descriptions or do not have alternative texts, wherein we enable you to get acquainted with these documents in alternative ways (you may write to us by mail or by e-mail, contact info are shown below). For those documents that are not yet in accessible form there is an option to order a version in accessible form and one will be properly prepared.


The reason for this partial accordance is in disproportionate burden that would appear for the Ljubljana City Library (LCL). The LCL estimates this disproportional burden by the fact that considerable financial consequences would appear should we attempt to properly adapt the whole content (translate into sign language and / or equip with subtitles or in other way properly adapt the content in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act) as the extent of content is very large. Likewise, the LCL has, while estimating the disproportionate burden, taken into account its inner organization and the kind of activities it handles and so proceeds in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act which for these very reasons allows for the alleged derogation according with the grade of disproportionate burden on the basis of this accessibility statement.

Accessibility of the websites has been improved in cooperation with outer experts and we try to keep in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and with the international guidelines for accessibility of web contents (standard WCAG 2.0). Content of webpages is regularly monitored and we do our best to provide accordance; in case you find a problem, we ask you to contact us.

Accessibility in the physical environment of the library

The Mobile library performs library activity in the bibliobus which is equipped with a ramp for the users of wheelchairs; together it visits 47 stops at various locations in eight municipalities of the Central Slovenian region and in the Ljubljana City area, among them the Institute for Rehabilitation – Soča, The Centre of the Elderly Trnovo, the Home of the Elderly Bokalce and Vič Rudnik, and the Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ljubljana.

In compliance with the internal act on the management of library collection we try to improve the quality of offer of library materials for special needs of users by forming special library collections and sources.

Our members are offered the possibility of borrowing materials adapted to persons with eyesight damage and the use of reading aids: books with enlarged print, electronic magnifying glass, audio books on CDs, e-readers (who are lighter than books and offer the possibility of enlarging the letters), and e-books in Slovene (free of charge borrowing of e-books in Slovene on personal devices through the Biblos portal).

Book at home is a service for members who cannot visit the library due to age, illness, or disability. We provide free of charge taking delivered books and library materials at home.

We cooperate with homes of elderly citizens by lending specially selected book collections for longer periods, we give away written-off magazines and newspapers, we organize reading groups for their residents and visit them with our mobile library (Bežigrad, Trnovo, Dobrova, Fužine, Horjul, Medvode, Vič-Rudnik).

To members we provide the use of on-line library and we offer:

  • online registration to the library; viewing of borrowed materials, extending the loan period, reservation of materials, inter-library loan, payment of debts, access to e-sources in various databases
  • we try to enlarge the collection of learning materials with those adapted to the needs of the disabled (with mobile, visual and hearing disabilities)

Publishing date of the Accessibility Statement by Self-grade: 15th September 2020.

Last update of the Accessibility Statement: 14th May 2021.

Feedback and contact information

Due to frequent updating of contents the visitors of the website may despite our endeavours to make it as accessible and user-friendly as possible encounter some accessibility problems.

Notification on possible cases of non-compliance with provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and requests for transfer of information in accessible form may be sent by mail or e-mail at our library’s address:

Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana
Kersnikova ulica 2
1000 Ljubljana
01 308 50 05

We will answer your notification or request in eight days from the receival. In cases when we cannot provide a satisfactory answer within this period, we will notify you in this period on when the proper answer will be given and provide an explanation about the delay.

In case you find a deviation from the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act you may report it to the inspectors for information society by e-mail or at:

Uprava Republike Slovenije za informacijsko varnost
Tržaška cesta 21
1000 Ljubljana

01 478 47 78