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Sapiens: a graphic history

Daniel Casanave
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Daniel Casanave

Sapiens: a graphic history

With Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity by the Israeli historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari being an international bestseller, it was only a matter of time before it was adapted for another medium. This is what happened with the present comic strip, in which we follow the author as he introduces the ideas to his niece Zoe in a simple and interesting way. Together they play Hominins cards, watch the reality show Evolution, read a comic about the prehistoric characters Bill and Cindy and meet the superhero Captain Fiction. He introduces her to colleagues in other scientific fields, and he visits a scientific conference in Brazil and helps a detective in New York investigate a mass murder – the extinction of animal species. All of this is accompanied by beautiful colour illustrations by comic artist Daniel Casanava, making the reading a special visual experience. (TB)

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