Wednesday, 10. May 2023

Library, the Heart of the City 2023: Citizen science

Welcome to the symposium Library, the Heart of the City: Citizen Science, which will take place on Wednesday, 24th May 2023, at 9 am in the Oton Župančič Library and over Zoom. Registration at by 17th May 2023

The sixth international symposium of the Ljubljana City Library – Library, the Heart of the City 2023 will be dedicated to citizen science (known in Slovenian as “občanska znanost”), an international movement within which thousands of volunteers in many states are included in common projects by collecting, commenting and analysing scientific data.

Citizen researches are becoming ever more important exactly because they include many people in collecting the data on the scale that cannot be reached by individual researchers or institutions (the concept of crowdsourcing). Citizen science also encourages the raising of levels of scientific literacy in the broader community, which is essential for the understanding and promotion of science.

The summaries of the symposium’s contributions will be published in the proceedings.

Symposium’s programme

8.45–9.00 Registration of participants
Moderator Rok Dežman
9.00–9.40 Initial greetings

Teja Zorko, MSc., Ljubljana City Library, managing director

Mateja Demšič, MSc., Ljubljana City Municipality, Head of the Department of Culture
9.15–9.30 Tit Neubauer, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Science Sector
9.30–9.40 Marjan Gujtman, Ministry of Culture, Cultural Heritage Directorate
9.40–11.00 Citizen science and open science
9.40–10.10 Miro Pušnik, MSc., Central Technical Library of the University of Ljubljana: The Network of Citizen Science in Slovenia and the Role of Libraries in It.
10.10–10.30 Alisa Martek and Dolores Mumelaš, National and University library, Zagreb, Croatia: What, why and how? Citizen Science in Libraries with Special Emphasis on Collaboration between Academic and Public Libraries
10.30–10.50 dr. Tiberius Ignat, Scientific Knowledge Services, Switzerland: Citizen Science and Its Institutional Development: the special role of libraries and research offices
10.50–11.00 Discussion
11.00–11.10 Break
11.10–12.00 Citizen science: Foreign practices
11.10–11.25 dr. Andreas Hedberg, Uppsala University, National Library, Sweden: The Importance of Public Libraries for the Advancement of Citizen Science: The Case of Sweden
11.25–11.40 dr. Daniel Dörler, Institute of Zoology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria: Österreich forscht and the Citizen Science Network Austria
11.40–12.00 Discussion
12.00–13.00 Lunch break
13.00–14.30 Citizen science and open science in practice
13.00–13.15 dr. Sonja Bezjak, Social sciences archive, University of Ljubljana: Data as an Opportunity for Enhancing Collaboration in the Research Community
13.15–13.30 dr. Davor Kontić, The Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana: Open Science at the Jožef Stefan Institute: Centre for Participative Research and Projects of Citizen Science
13.30–13.45 Tilen Basle, DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia
13.45–14.00 dr. Barbara Pipan, and associate professor dr. Vladimir Meglič, The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia: Citizen Science in the International Research Project INCREASE
14.00–14.15 Saša Vidmar, France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica: Citizen Science and the Public Library
14.15–14.30 Nina Svetelj, Kranj City Library: Science between Books
14.30–15.00 Round table and conclusion (moderators: Miro Pušnik, MSc., and Aleš Klemen, MSc.)


Registration fee: 40 € (participation in the Hall); 25 € (virtual participation)

Location: hybrid (Oton Župančič Library, Hall, 3rd floor, and over Zoom)

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